2021 Virtual WAFDO Educational Conference

  • 12 Oct 2021
  • 10:00 AM
  • 13 Oct 2021
  • 3:30 PM
  • Virtual Platform


  • Individual registration for attendees who are not current WAFDO members. See https://wafdo.wildapricot.org/sys/website/?pageId=7743 for membership information.
  • For groups of 20+ that are going to be paid for together (e.g. same organization, program, etc.). ADD REGISTRATION INFO FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL UNDER "GUEST REGISTRATIONS"
  • For groups of 2-8 that are going to be paid for together (e.g. same organization, program, etc.). ADD REGISTRATION INFO FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL UNDER "GUEST REGISTRATIONS.
  • For groups of 9-19 that are going to be paid for together (e.g. same organization, program, etc.). ADD REGISTRATION INFO FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL UNDER "GUEST REGISTRATIONS
  • For invited speakers/presenters who wish to attend the entire virtual conference.

Thank you for your interest in attending the 2021 WAFDO Virtual Educational Conference! 

Conference dates/times are as follows:

October 12, 2021 from 10:00AM to 3:30PM Pacific Time

October 13, 2021 from 10:00AM to 3:30PM Pacific Time

The Educational Conference will be completely virtual and will be hosted on the SwapCard virtual event platform.  Swapcard uses Microsoft Zoom for video conferencing/presentations. 

Registration fees can be paid online or invoiced for online payment at a later date.

A link to the conference platform will be sent to all confirmed registrants before the event. You will have the opportunity to access the meeting platform several days ahead of the actual conference in order to orient yourself, update your personal profile, etc.

Similar to WAFDO in-person meetings, food and drug/medical device tracks will run concurrently with one another.  Please refer to the final agenda (when available) to determine which modules you would like to attend ahead of time.

  • Home
  • 2021 Virtual WAFDO Educational Conference

PO Box 2726 | Great Falls, MT | 59403 


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