The name of this organization is the Western Association of Food and Drug Officials, hereafter referred to as the Association.


The objectives of the Association shall be as stated in the Constitution, which includes the following:

  1. To promote and foster the enactment of uniform food, drug, cosmetic, device, product safety and related consumer protection laws.
  2. To promote and foster cooperation among the various officials in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of the regulatory laws entrusted to them.
  3. To encourage and develop uniform enforcement procedures and to support similar objectives when advanced by the Association of Food and Drug Officials.
  4. To develop training programs and uniformity of inspections for industry and enforcement officials at all levels of enforcement.
  5. To sponsor a scholarship for students pursuing careers related to safe foods, drugs and other consumer products.


There shall be three classes of membership in the Association: Regular Members, Associate Members, and Honorary/Lifetime Members.

Regular Members shall be:

  1. Employed by federal state, provincial or municipal agencies charged with the enforcement of their respective food, drug, cosmetic, device or environmental health laws, ordinances or regulations.
  2. Individuals who prior to retirement were Regular Members and do not engage in or provide services to regulated firms or industries.

Associate Members shall be persons other than Regular Members as defined above, who are interested in furthering the objectives of the Association.

Honorary/Lifetime Members shall have been Regular or Associate Members of the Association, who have been elected by the Association to this class of membership in recognition of their substantial contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the Association.

Lifetime Members are those members who have received the 0. J. Wiemann award.
Honorary Members may be recommended by the membership and approved by the Executive committee.

Associate Members and Honorary Members - shall be entitled to all the privileges of Regular Members, excepting the privilege of holding office and voting. They may be appointed to serve on committees in an advisory capacity.  


The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, two members of the Executive Committee, a director representing this Association on the Board of Directors of the Association of Food and Drug Officials, the Immediate Past President, two Associate Members, the Flash Editor, and the Webmaster. 

  1. The term of office of the President and Vice President shall be one year. The Vice President shall become the President automatically at the expiration of the term of office as Vice President. The term of office of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be three years each. The term of office of the elected members of the executive committee shall be two years. The term of office for the director on the Board of Directors of the Association of Food and Drug Officials shall be four years. The term of office for the two Associate members, the Flash Editor, and the Webmaster shall be unspecified provided it is agreeable to both the Executive Committee and the appointee. 
  2. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting except the two Associate Members, the Flash Editor, and the Webmaster, each of whom shall be appointed by the executive committee. If a vacancy occurs when the Association is not in session, the president, with approval of the executive committee, shall appoint a successor to hold office until the next annual meeting.
  3. All officers shall hold office through the last session of the annual meeting of the year in which their term of office expires. There shall be elected a member to the executive committee to serve one year and a member to serve two years and at each annual meeting, and thereafter there shall be elected one member to serve for a period of two years.
  4. Duties of the Officers:

    The President shall serve as the chief administrative officer of the Association. This person shall preside at all meetings and shall appoint such committees as required or authorized. The President shall act as chairman of the Executive Committee and represents WAFDO at the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) annual meeting. This person shall also possess broad discretionary and delegatory powers to act as deemed necessary and proper to carry out the business of the Association. The term of the President shall be one year.

    Vice President:
    The Vice President shall act in the capacity of the President at the President's request or in cases of absence of the President. The Vice President shall become the President automatically at the expiration of the term of office as Vice President.

    The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of each meeting of the Association and of the Executive Committee, conduct correspondence for the Association, and issue such notices as may be directed by the president or the executive committee. The term of the Secretary shall be three years. 

    The Treasurer shall make financial and business reports to the Association at each annual meeting and at such times as the Executive Committee may direct. The term of the Treasurer shall be three years. 
    Two Elected Members:
    The two elected members of the Executive committee shall serve with the officers at all such committee meetings. There shall be elected a member to the executive committee to serve one year and a member to serve two years and at each annual meeting, there after there shall be elected one member to serve for a period of two years.

    Director to AFDO Board:
    The Director elected by the Association to serve on the Board of Directors of the Association of Food and Drug Officials shall serve on the Executive Committee of this Association. The term shall be four years.

    Two Associate Members:
    The Associate Members are appointed by the Executive Committee and are non-voting members of the Executive Committee. The term is unspecified provided both the Executive Committee and the appointee agree.

    Flash Editor:
    The Flash Editor will serve on the Executive Committee and will request and write articles and publish the newsletter on a quarterly basis.  The Editor is appointed by the Executive Committee and is a non-voting member of the Executive Committee. The term is unspecified provided both the Executive Committee and the appointee agree. 


    The Webmaster will serve on the Executive Committee and will create and maintain the WAFDO Web.  The Webmaster is appointed by the Executive Committee and is a non-voting member of the Executive Committee. The term is unspecified provided both the Executive Committee and the appointee agree.

  5. The Executive Board meets for approximately one hour each month via teleconferences to discuss WAFDO business, with the meeting schedule selected by consensus of the members. As well, board members spend time on committees, including scholarship and conference planning, and other special projects. Attendance at the annual WAFDO educational conference is expected, and in case of need, travel expenses may be reimbursed by the WAFDO Board or by WAFDO. Some board members also attend the annual AFDO educational conference. Board Members and Officers may not have more than three (3) unexcused absences from conference calls or other mandatory meetings per year. Board Members with more than three unexcused absences in any one year term will be asked to resign from the Board.


  • There shall be an Executive Committee and other such committees, as may be agreed upon by the Association. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Association.
  • The Executive Committee shall conduct the business affairs of the Association and shall conduct the business affairs of the Association at each annual meeting.  Unless otherwise directed by the Association by a majority vote, the Executive Committee shall fix the time and place of the annual meeting.


Membership dues and/or registration fees for all classes of membership shall be established by the Executive Committee.  The membership year shall coincide with the calendar year and dues are payable on January 1 for each year. Members, whose dues are not paid by April 1 of each year, shall be deemed in arrears and dropped from membership until such delinquent dues are paid. Dues for Honorary and lifetime members shall be waived.


Eligible members present shall have one vote.


The annual meeting and all committee meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order except as otherwise herein provided. The business meeting of this Association shall be held during the annual conference. The president may call for meetings of the Executive committee at any time the need arises. The membership shall be notified of the annual conference and meeting by the hosting state, the WAFDO Flash, and the WAFDO Websute.


The Executive Committee, by majority vote, shall establish policies deemed necessary and proper to carry out the business of the Association. Fifty percent (50%) of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. Copies of all policies established will be maintained by the Executive Committee and shall contain the effective date.


August 2013 Revised by WAFDO Membership Vote

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