The committees currently organized are listed below:

  • Membership Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Resolutions, Policy and Procedures Committee
  • Education & Annual Educational Conference Committee
  • Nominations & Awards Committee
  • Food Committee
  • Seafood Committee
  • Drug and Device Committee
  • Publications Committee


Membership Committee:

The Membership Committee consists of three or more members. Maximum would be one representative from each WAFDO State, Province, foreign country and/or territory. The Committee:

  • Promotes and recruits membership.
  • Develops the ways and the means for sustaining current members, mentoring and involving new members into the Association and increasing overall membership. Responsibility would include annual review and updating of the WAFDO Membership brochure. 
  • Develops the ways and the means for the establishment of programs and activities, which will directly, or indirectly benefit the members of the Association. This committee shall cooperate with the officers and complement the activities of all other committees of the Association.

Finance Committee:

The Finance Committee consists of three or more members, including the Association Treasurer, and is concerned with the overall financial condition of the Association. The Committee:

  • Prepares an annual budget for approval by the Board in accordance with a calendar established by the Board;
  • Annually reviews the financial records of the Association;
  • Provides a protocol for payment of all bills and expenses of the Association; and
  • Works with other standing committees to devise ways and means of raising funds for the operation of the Association.

Resolutions, Policy and Procedures Committee:

The Resolutions, Policy and Procedures Committee consists of three or more members who are responsible for considering issues of basic policies and directions of the Association which may be delegated to it by the by-laws or the Board of Directors. The Committee:

  • Reviews all proposals for resolutions, amendments or revisions to the Articles of Incorporation or to the Constitution and by-laws of the Association, and submits a report to the Board with their recommendations concerning such proposed resolutions or changes;
  • Drafts proposed amendments to the Constitution and by-laws of the Association at the request of the Board and drafts proposed resolutions of the Association at the request of the membership or the Board;
  • Studies existing and proposed legislation of import to the members, and considers ways and means of promoting appropriate laws and ordinances relative to environmental health; and    
  • Considers all resolutions referred to it by the membership and board and presents a report at the annual meeting on each resolution, together with a recommendation to the membership. After the annual conference, actions are taken to carry out those resolutions adopted by the membership. These actions may include referral to one of the federal agencies for consideration, letters to state or province legislatures or Congress, or to other organizations or committees.


Education & Annual Educational Conference Committee:

The Education and Annual Educational Conference Committee consists of three or more members who are responsible for devising and putting into effect ways and means of improving the professional standards and technical competency of the members and of enabling them to better educate the public in all phases of environmental health. The Committee:

  • Provides training opportunities to the membership and/or for facilitates membership participation in continuing education;
  • Coordinates with the editors of the FLASH newsletter and Journal of the Association of Food and Drug officials to disseminate information and educational materials;  and
  • Plans and conducts the Annual Education Conference; and Coordinates Annual Conference activities with other Association committees.


Nominations & Awards Committee:

The Nominations and Awards Committee consists of three or more members who:

  • Canvas membership and select one or more members as candidates for the offices of the Association, as specified in Article IV of the Association's by-laws, prior to the annual meeting;    
  • Establishes and administers the Association's award program including solicitation of nominations for each Association award; considers merits of each of the candidates so nominated; and, makes recommendations to the Board regarding the award of such honors. A quorum of committee members must participate in considering merits of candidates and in making the decision of recommending an award or honor to the Board; and
  • Considers the merits of all resolutions designed to honor a member or individual, and presents a report at the annual meeting on each resolution, together with a recommendation to the membership. The one exception is to grant the current President the authority, if so chosen, to give "Special Service Awards" to individuals he/she wishes to recognize during the President's term.


Seafood Committee:

The Seafood Committee consists of three or more members and shall be responsible for providing guidance to the Association regarding issues involving all seafood products, which may be delegated to it by the by-laws or Board of Directors. The Committee:

  • Reviews Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) training programs in conjunction with the Seafood Alliance for Training and Education (Alliance) as part of a national program to support the implementation of the national seafood HACCP regulation;
  • Reviews applications for accredited HACCP and other related seafood training within the WAFDO region to assure that the training meets Alliance standards;
  • Supports seafood safety training by arranging transfer of materials, communication of course attendance, and the accounting and disposition of training fees; and
  • Serves as a resource for seafood information for WAFDO.


Drug and Device Committee:

The Drug and Device Committee consists of three or more members, and shall be responsible for providing guidance to the Association regarding issues involving drug and medical device products, which may be delegated to it by the by-laws or the Board of Directors. The Committee:

  • Coordinates with the Education and Annual Education Conference Committee to provide requested training with regard to drug or medical device topics, or identify speakers for the annual education conference.    
  • Assists the WAFDO President in preparation of official comments and position statements.
  • Serves as a clearinghouse for the sharing and distribution to members of information related to drug and medical device safety, and external training opportunities available to members.
  • Serves as a resource to the Association to identify subject matter experts for drug and device issues.
  • Provides drug and medical device articles for the WAFDO FLASH.


Publications Committee:

The Publications Committee consists of three or more members who are responsible for editing, publishing and distributing documents and publications which further the purpose of the Association. The Chair of the Committee holds the position of Editor for the Association newsletter and is appointed by the Executive Committee for a 2-year term. The 2-year term of the Chair rotates between regular members employed by state, county or other local regulatory agencies and regular members employed by the U.S. Food and Drug Agency. Members of the Committee, other than the Chair, are known as associate editors. The committee:

  • Edits, publishes and distributes the Association newsletter in accordance with objectives and policies adopted by the Executive Committee; and
  • May also publish proceedings of the Association's annual educational conference and provide information to the Association's webmaster for publication on the Association's website.

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